The Ultimate Guide To AVOID Student Loans

It happened yall. I was giving a talk in Austin, TX for a big conference called SXSW. My hair was a mess! So I did the deed…I went to a barber shop.

Let’s just say, if your barber is holding the clippers with two hands and looking super nervous, that’s a RED FLAG.

We didn’t even discuss pricing beforehand. I just knew I had 2 barbershops turn me away already because they were at capacity; so I settled for this one.

What’s an Index Fund?

  • Imagine you have a big box filled with different kinds of candies, like chocolates, gummies, and lollipops. Now, think of an index fund as a special candy mix where you get a little bit of each type of candy in the box.

  • Similarly, an index fund is like a basket of different stocks or bonds from lots of companies. Instead of picking individual candies or stocks, you buy a piece of the whole basket. This way, you spread out your risk, just like having a variety of candies to enjoy. So, when one candy or stock doesn't do well, you still have plenty of others to make up for it.

What are your questions? Or share a win!

  • Reply to this email with any personal finance question you have, or share with me any wins in your life! (I’ll respond to your questions anonymously in future emails)