What is Life Insurance? (In 30 seconds)

Good morning!
This sounds like a boring topic, that’s because it is. BUT it’s super important.

What’s the point of life insurance?

  • There’s a lot of hoopla out there about life insurance, and a lot of whack financial products to make you spend more than you need on life insurance.

  • Life insurance only has one job…and that’s to replace your income if you die! That’s it.

How do I avoid paying too much for life insurance?

  • Life insurance should never be used as a savings plan, or a way to invest. That just overcomplicates things like crazy! So don’t fall for these whole life insurance policies that your sister’s uncle is trying to sell for the family. They’re a rip off. If you want to invest your money invest in a good mutual fund or an index fund, not a whole life policy. If you want to save, open a High-Yield Savings Account.

    Keep insurance as its own thing.


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