Healthy breaks

Hey yall!
I have to apologize for not sending out a message the past few days. Ya boi was out in Colorado busting his butt trying to snowboard for the first time. And now I’m out in Austin, TX about to speak at this conference called SXSW.

Ashlea, my wife, is here with me; so we’ve been doing our best to stay in the present moment. Unfortunately, my daily writing to you guys has fallen to the wayside, and I’m sorry for that. Let’s get it together! I’m going to start writing these messages on my phone when I’m on the go.

I don’t want to batch write these emails either. I’d rather keep it real and share with you my DAILY thoughts as they come along.

What’s Arbitrage?

  • Arbitrage is when you buy something in one place for a lower price and sell it somewhere else for a higher price to make money. In elementary school, it's like finding a great deal on candy at Costco and then selling it to your classmates for a little more.

Don’t be a stickler with money

  • I will admit it guys…I’m going to a barber today! I’m out of town, I have a presentation to give, and I have a mess of hair on my head.

  • So when life happens, it’s okay to spend. That’s why you’ve been saving and budgeting all year round so you can do things like this without a sweat.

What are your questions? Or share a win!

  • Reply to this email with any personal finance question you have, or share with me any wins in your life! (I’ll respond to your questions anonymously in future emails)