Freaking out a bit…

24 Hours To Go 🚀

Hey friends! 👋🏾 TOMORROW IS THE DAY our online community Money At Peace is finally going live and I'm kinda freaking out. In a good way, of course.

This community is everything I wish I had when I started my financial journey. Inside the community, I condensed years of lessons and mistakes into a system that's going to transform your relationship with money.

"So, why are you REALLY emailing me JC?"

Simple – I want to reward you for being such a big part of the community by giving you 48 hours to enroll in Money At Peace for the lowest price ever before anyone else!

Money at Peace is perfect for you if:

#1 You desire a simple system to become financially literate, save money, pay off debt, and begin investing

#2 You want to learn how to make your money to work for you

#3 You want to feel in control of your financial future

#4 You want support & accountability to hit your goals

Doors will open in 24 hours at 9AM EST (8AM CST/5AM PST) for you and my Instagram broadcast channel only, so be on the lookout for that email.

You'll have 48 hours to grab your spot before the price goes up!