Be a financial tortoise 🐢

Good morning!
We had a ton of new friends join the newsletter yesterday after watching a silly reel of me skipping.

Thank you guys for being here!

What’s an index fund?

  • Imagine you're at a pizza party, and there are tons of different kinds of pizzas available, like pepperoni, cheese, veggie, and so on. Now, let's say you want a little bit of everything without having to pick each slice individually.

    An index fund is like a pizza that has a bit of every kind of pizza at the party. Instead of picking individual stocks (or slices of pizza), you buy a slice of this "index fund pizza," which includes a little piece of many different companies all at once. So, when you buy into an index fund, you're spreading your money across lots of different companies without having to choose each one yourself. It's a simple way to invest in the stock market without needing to be an expert in picking stocks.

    Okay I’m hungry now…

Be a tortoise 🐢

  • When it comes to money, be a tortoise in a world full of hares.

  • Everyone wants to be hare. It’s cool to be “a millionaire before 30” or to find the quickest way to get rich. You might become rich or have a high-income for a season, but it doesn’t last if you don’t have the right foundations in place.

  • Invest into your 401k, save up to buy things, put money in a Roth IRA, be frugal, this is how you be a tortoise.

Watch the Financial Tortoise, Tae Kim!

  • I love this dude’s channel, Tae Kim.

  • He knows how to keep finances simple, but also how to become a millionaire.

What are your questions? Or share a win!

  • Reply to this email with any personal finance question you have, or share with me any wins in your life! (I’ll respond to your questions anonymously in future emails)