finance youtubers?

There’s a ton of finance influencers out there, and 85% of them only teach finance topics that are the most lucrative (like bitcoin and credit cards) or the most viral (side-hustles). Not many actually share the true path to their own wealth! Which tbh…is the crazy income they get from making finance videos!

What’s a Finfluencer?

  • Finfluencer = Finance Influencer. Boom.

Who should I trust online?

  • Well folks, just like the way you grow up and realize your parents are the omniscient people you thought they were; you have to be your own filter for the information you’re given!

  • Most important thing I would look for is a video about their story. Hopefully they have one, because that’s where they usually share the real path to their wealth and to WHY they’re making videos in the first place.

  • I would also see where their core values lie. It’s good to check their Instagram or other platforms outside of YouTube. Are these values aligned with you? Are they posting pictures with their family, or are they posting pictures of their luxury private jet ride. I know social media isn’t the best place to get a real idea of someone’s values; but it’s a start. It also shows how they want to be perceived to the world.

My Favs!

  • Tae Kim - Great family man, who teaches the slow and realistic way to build wealth.

  • A to Zen Life - Amazing stuff about frugality and simplifying your life

  • George Kamel - a very practical and funny way to educate yourself!

What are your questions? Or share a win!

  • Reply to this email with any personal finance question you have, or share with me any wins in your life! (I’ll respond to your questions anonymously in future emails)